Cloak of the manta ray license#
It is our intent to work within this license in good faith. While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you can breathe Underwater, and you have a Swimming speed of 60 feet. Handmade Ocean Blue Manta Ray Stingray Art Glass Blown Sea Animal Figurine Pendant Necklace Jewelry by Advanced Fitness, Squat Load Distribution Device Unisex. If you see any page that contains SRD material and does not show this license statement, please contact an admin so that this license statement can be added. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. Notes: Set: Innate Speed (Swimming), Buff, Movement, Outerwear. Wondrous Item, (Uncommon) While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you can breathe Underwater, and you have a Swimming speed of 60 feet. To distinguish it, these items will have this notice. While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you can breathe underwater, and you have a swimming speed of 60 feet. It is covered by the Open Game License v1.0a, rather than the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. This is part of the Revised (v.5.1) System Reference Document. He gains a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like. At that time the cloak of the manta ray adheres to the individual, and he appears nearly identical to a manta ray (as the polymorph spell, except that it allows only manta ray form).

Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron ( release) replaces information from:īack to Main Page → 5e System Reference Document → SRD5:Equipment → SRD5:Magic Item Open Game Content Template:SRD Template:MagicItem This cloak appears to be made of leather until the wearer enters salt water. The largest rays in the World, Manta Rays can be found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate ocean waters across the globe.He gains a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like a real manta ray. At that time, the cloak of the manta ray adheres to the individual, and he appears nearly identical to a manta ray (as the beast shape II spell, except that it allows only manta ray form). You can use an action to put the hood up or down. This item can be replicated by Artificers using the Infuse Item - Replicate Magic Item ability. This cloak appears to be made of leather until the wearer enters salt water. Cloak of the Manta Ray Cloak of the Manta Ray Wondrous Item, Uncommon (cost 400 gp) Crafting Components A merfolk’s joyous song While you wear this cloak with its hood up, you gain a swim speed of 60 feet and can breathe water.

While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you can breathe underwater, and you have a swimming speed of 60 feet. This material from the 5th edition SRD is published under the OGL